Duke User Guide

The project is a product named Duke, a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps a person to keep track of various things.


Friendlier Syntax

Create shortcuts for commands.


Fetch the command list.


Tag tasks using the command tag.


Alias - Create shortcut for commands.

alias a/alias c/command

Example of usage: alias a/b c/bye

Expected outcome: Alias added.

Bye - Exits programme.

Programme closes.

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome: Programme closes.

Clear - Deletes all tasks in the list.

Example of usage: clear

Expected outcome: List cleared!

Deadline - Creates task with a deadline.

deadline n/name d/date [t/tag]

Example of usage: deadline n/iP d/2020-02-19 t/cs2103t

Expected outcome: [D] IP (by Feb 19 2020)

Delete - deletes task at index.

delete index

Example of usage: delete 1

Expected outcome: Noted. I’ve removed this task

Done - marks task with at index as done.

done index

Example of usage: done 1

Expected outcome: Noted. I’ve marked this task as done.

Event - Creates task that is an event.

event n/name d/date [t/tag]

Example of usage: event n/CS2103T tutorial d/2020-02-20 t/tutorial

Expected outcome: [E] CS2103T tutorial (at Feb 20 2020)

Find - Returns list of tasks with keyword in name.

find keyword

Example of usage: keyword cs2103t

Expected outcome: Here are the tasks containing cs2103t [E] CS2103T tutorial (at Feb 20 2020)

Tag - Returns list of tasks containing tag.

tag tagname

Example of usage: tag cs2103T

Expected outcome: Here are the tasks containing cs2103t [E] CS2103T tutorial (at Feb 20 2020)

Todo - Creates todo task.

todo n/name [t/tags]

Example of usage: todo n/read notes t/hobby

Expected outcome: [T] read notes

### Acknowledgements Software architecture and structure inspired by AddressBook 3.